Manitoba Learners Driving Test Part 1

Manitoba Learner Driving Test
Part 1

A Manitoba Learner’s License is a type of driver’s license issued by the government of Manitoba, Canada, to individuals who are learning to drive. It allows the holder to practice driving on public roads under certain conditions and restrictions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver and having a “L” sign displayed on the vehicle. To obtain a Manitoba Learner’s License, an individual must pass a knowledge test and a vision test. They must also fulfill other requirements, such as minimum age, residency, and liability insurance.

1 votes, 5 avg


1 / 20

Is there is a seat belt law in Ontario?

2 / 20

Solid white lines indicate that ?

3 / 20

On a highway, what should you do when you want to take the next exit?

4 / 20

You must not follow any emergency vehicle that has its siren or lights activated within what distance?

5 / 20

You should leave more room between your car and a motorcycle while you are following because ?

6 / 20

The key to emergency braking is to?

7 / 20

At an uncontrolled intersection (without traffic signs or traffic lights), you should ?

8 / 20

You must indicate when?

9 / 20

Is it legal for a driver to back a vehicle into an intersection or a crosswalk in a city?

10 / 20

The minimum safe following distance in traffic is ?

11 / 20

Every motorist is required to maintain third party liability insurance with a minimum of?

12 / 20

Your vehicle may skid as a result of hydroplaning. What is the cause of hydroplaning?

13 / 20

A yield sign indicates that ?

14 / 20

Most skids are the result of driver error. A skid can occur when you:

15 / 20

Walk around your vehicle before getting in to check for ?

16 / 20

Wearing a seat belt in a collision will?

17 / 20

If your vehicle is having mechanical problems that require you to stop you should ?

18 / 20

When two vehicles approach a four-way stop sign intersection at right angles to each other and at the same time:

19 / 20

When driving in heavy fog, you should use?

20 / 20

Directions given by a police officer overrule?

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The average score is 69%


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