Manitoba Learners Driving Test Parts 3

Manitoba Learner Driving Test
Part 3

A Manitoba Learner’s License is a type of driver’s license issued by the government of Manitoba, Canada, to individuals who are learning to drive. It allows the holder to practice driving on public roads under certain conditions and restrictions, such as being accompanied by a licensed driver and having a “L” sign displayed on the vehicle. To obtain a Manitoba Learner’s License, an individual must pass a knowledge test and a vision test. They must also fulfill other requirements, such as minimum age, residency, and liability insurance.

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1 / 35

If feeling tired while driving you should?

2 / 35

In which of the following situations are U-turns not permitted in urban areas?

3 / 35

If you are about to exit the highway and you miss your exit, you should?

4 / 35

When you enter a right-hand curve, you should?

5 / 35

What do broken yellow lines indicate?

6 / 35

Even for a first offence, the minimum licence suspension in the event of a death or injury caused by drunk driving will be ?

7 / 35

Drivers in the right lane must do? when the end of the passing lane is in view.

8 / 35

Anyone convicted of operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol level over.08 for the first time will not be allowed to drive, and their licence will be suspended for how long?

9 / 35

Large trucks require?

10 / 35

Vehicles driving toward a constant amber light must?

11 / 35

What factors affect how long it takes to stop?

12 / 35

Fatigue while driving can be fatal. What can cause fatigue?

13 / 35

You must inform Service Ontario of a name and/or address change in accordance with the law, right?

14 / 35

What Should you do if your headlights stop working?

15 / 35

A g1 learner is not permitted to drive a car between the hours of?

16 / 35

To recover from a skid you should?

17 / 35

Vehicles facing a green light that is flashing?

18 / 35

What lane should slow-moving vehicles take on multilane highways?

19 / 35

Speed limits indicate?

20 / 35

For a period of how long are tourists or foreign visitors allowed to use their driver's licences?

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What is claimed to be in your vehicle if you can't see it in your side and rearview mirrors?

22 / 35

Who is in charge of making sure that all passengers under the age of 16 are properly restrained inside a vehicle?

23 / 35

What is the fastest speed permitted when approaching a playground zone during control hours, unless otherwise posted?

24 / 35

Is it permissible to turn right on a red light?

25 / 35

If you don't give way to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, how many demerit points will be added to your licence?

26 / 35

What does a red "X" over a driving lane indicate?

27 / 35

What does a white diamond in a lane mean?

28 / 35

In a traffic circle?

29 / 35

When do school zones end?

30 / 35

When approaching the end of the passing lane, drivers in the right hand lane must?

31 / 35

Unless otherwise specified, you must? enter the main street from a road, alley, driveway, or parking lot.

32 / 35

How many demerit points will you receive for failing to stop for a school bus on your licence?

33 / 35

What does a white lane "X" mean?

34 / 35

Your test vehicle must be in reasonable operating condition and have?

35 / 35

If your headlights fail?

Your score is

The average score is 75%


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